# U.10 Makerspace Homepage Sources This is the source code of our [U.10 Makerspace Worms Homepage](https://u10.makercloud.de) It is based on the [Open Source Website of the RUB Makerspace](https://makerspace.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/) ## Project Structure and Functions This project uses [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/), a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. ### File Structure - `mkdocs.yml`: The configuration file for the MkDocs project. - `docs/`: The directory where all of your documentation is stored in Markdown format. - `aktuelles/`: Contains markdown files for current events and news. - `assets/`: Contains images and other static files. - `bereiche/`: Contains markdown files for different areas of the Makerspace. - `js/`: Contains JavaScript files for custom scripts. - `kontakt/`: Contains markdown files for contact information. - `makerspace_nutzen/`: Contains markdown files for using the Makerspace. - `orga/`: Contains individual markdown files for each team member. - `snippets/`: Contains markdown files for reusable snippets. - `spenden/`: Contains markdown files for donations and sponsors. - `stylesheets/`: Contains CSS files for custom styling. - `.gitignore`: Specifies files and directories that should be ignored by Git. - `README.md`: The file you're reading right now. - `mkdocs.sh`: A shell script to build the MkDocs project locally and start a hot-reload docker environment. Reachable under ``. - **Local testing**: MkDocs comes with built-in dev-server (started with `./mkdocs.sh`) that lets you preview your documentation as you work on it. Make changes to your `mkdocs.yml` or your docs and MkDocs will automatically update and refresh your browser. - **Deployment**: Gitea Actions builds your site and pushes it to the webserver. Push your locally working commit to Gitea and Gitea Actions will do the rest. Remember, the `docs/` directory is where you should place your documentation source files. These files should be written in Markdown.